Blog Archives

Chairman’s Update April 2023

A reminder that the Spring Newsletter is planned to go out in late May. All contributions most welcome. Please email me at

The Trustees met by Zoom call in April. The main points to note are:

  • Field Centre: We have just received our first electricity bill covering the period since November and are relieved that this was far less than we had dreaded. We remain fairly optimistic about staying at the farm, but we are taking nothing for granted. Norman Garnett has very kindly offered to lead re organising any maintenance projects
  • Finances: Our main outgoing expenditure is the rent for the Centre. One important contributor towards that is the 100 Club. Trustees are disappointed to hear that the number renewing Club membership is still very low. Please consider joining.
  • Lectures: These have been badly disrupted by Steve’s poor health. Thankfully he is now better and the first 2023 lecture is this Thursday about the Northant’s Archaeological Resource Centre.
  • Education sessions: Steve and Rob are running a Day School in Rugby. Steve is also discussing ongoing sessions at Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes.
  • Summer projects: Steve proposes a further excavation at Manshead in late August or early September, depending on discussion with the farmer about the crops. A fieldwalking exercise might be planned for say June. A number of geophysical surveys will also hopefully take place.Rob Close

Steve Young and Rob Close are running an Archaeology Day School at the Percival Guildhouse (adult education centre) in Rugby on Saturday 13th May. The Objective is to attract new members for CLASP by giving an overview of most aspects of archaeology, drawing on CLASP projects. This may be also of interest to any new Members of CLASP. More information is available from  (page 15).

New Geophys report: The abandoned village of Thrupp


A magnetometer survey of 9.4ha of the area of the now vanished village of Thrupp in the parish of Norton, Northamptonshire. Numerous other features were revealed dating from probably the Late Iron Age/Roman period to the late medieval


Field Centre (100) Club Launched!

Field Centre (100) Club Launch

Having the CLASP Field Centre is essential if we are to meet our responsibility to create a physical and digital record of our research work for the benefit of future generations. The CLASP Field Centre Club is being launched to contribute to the cost. Please Click the link below to sign-up.

Please Click the link below to see the Rules of the Club.

Website Changes, Jan 2020

Our long-standing webmaster Jeremy Cooper has for sometime expressed his wish to ‘retire’ from this role. Jeremy has been with CLASP since it evolved from the Friends of the Upper Nene Project in about 2002, which in turn was a spin off from the Whitehall project. His advice on formulating the CLASP Constitution and in parallel the application for charitable status was essential. In addition to his role as webmaster Jeremy was our official photographer and videographer until recently. On behalf of all at CLASP, past and present, simply thank you for your help and loyalty.

We now have a new webmaster Tim Kay, (yes he is related to our erstwhile Fred!). Tim is still getting his head round the new job but, as Chair, having seen what he has done so far I am confident that things bode well for the future of our website. If you wish to contact Tim, including having items posted on the website, please use the following email address:-

CLASP Field Centre Club


about this new scheme to help finance the Field Centre, and let us know whether or not you would wish to participate.

CLASP: new Safeguarding Policy

CLASP Trustees have agreed this week a new safeguarding policy for children and young persons: Safeguarding_Jan 2021


Successful 2019 AGM and Open Meeting

A message from Dave Hayward, Chair of Trustees.

I am pleased to report that the AGM at Harpole this week was well attended and a success. Apart from the usual formalities of the AGM itself Rob Close and myself gave a presentation on some future challenges that CLASP will have to face. More details later.

The public Open Meeting heard presentations from Fred Kay on interpreting geophysics and Stephen Young on CLASP’s work in 2019 at Nether Heyford and Bannaventa.

Thank you to all who helped make the evening such a success, not least the members of Harpole Heritage Society for the cakes and drinks.

CLASP Annual Report 2019

Here is the annual report of the Board of Trustees, subject to adoption at the AGM.

CLASP Annual Report 2019

HS2 in Northants – talk, 25th September

(Please note the change of venue)

On Wednesday 25th September 2019 CLASP is hosting a talk by the lead archaeologists responsible for the archaeological investigations on the HS2 route in Northamptonshire.

The talk will also include a report on the affected built heritage.

Start time is 14.30hrs, at the Baptist Church Rooms, The Green, Nether Heyford, NN7 3LE.

Admission is free but we would welcome a small donation to cover our costs of room hire etc.

If you would like to attend please email Dave Hayward.

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]