Local People - Local Past is a CLASP project

Local People - Local Past
A study of 11 Roman settlements in seven parishes of West Northamptonshire

  • Here you may read our own interpretations of the sites studied.
  • Use the links below and on the left to read about our methodology and techniques.
  • You may also examine the field data and interpret them for yourself.
  • To access the field data for each site, use the FINDINGS links.

Interim Report

Introduction to the Project
Fieldwalking Methodology
Pottery Analysis
FINDINGS: table of contents

We welcome any feedback aout this site's content and functioning - especially its functioning: if you experience any technical errors or problems, or if you have difficulty working with the site in any way, please be sure to let us know. Please email to webmaster@claspweb.org.uk
Click on the map for more detail
Click on the map for more detail
CLASP is a member of
Milton Keynes Heritage Association
Project assisted by funding from:

Community Landscape & Archaeology Project (CLASP) email CLASP CLASP home page
Copyright of this web site, including all text and images (except where otherwise stated), belongs to CLASP. No contents may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of CLASP.

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