Change to CLASP excavation, week commencing 17th September

The excavation scheduled for the week commencing 17th September 2018 at the Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Nether Heyford has been changed to a further week at Thrupp, on the north side of the Daventry to Long Buckby Road. This has been caused by the farmer having to plant an earlier crop than anticipated, we do intend to return there in 2019 however.

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]