Blog Archives

Post excavation assistants needed

From Steve Parry, MOLA(N):

We are looking to recruit a number of post excavation assistants to undertake finds processing, environmental sieving and project archiving.  Please could you spread the word amongst CLASP and more widely.  Details of the jobs can be found at:

Anyone interested can have an informal chat to Tora Hylton or Rebecca Gordon (01604 809800).



Discontinuance of Archaeology ‘A’ Levels

Dave Hayward, CLASP Chair of Trustees states that he is totally disgusted with the illogical decision of the AQA to announce discontinuance of its A and A’S’ level examinations. This is the only examining board that currently offers these examinations. What is really amazing is that the Council for British Archaeology (CBA), with others, was in the process of developing a new syllabus for these examinations and other support for the course. There has been no consultation with the archaeology sector over this decision.

CLASP will support any campaign to retain these examinations as it considers them essential for the future of archaeology in the United Kingdom. Without these qualifications there will undoubtedly be a dearth of appropriate students for archaeological university courses in the future, putting their archaeology departments at risk.

We therefore urge  anybody with the future of archaeology at heart to put any pressure possible onto the AQA through the media, MPs and signing the petition at …

Thanks for your support.


Resolved! Problem with password protected pages

Both the old and the new passwords now work.

Technical Reference documents now available to public

These reports have been moved from the Members Only section to the Reports and Submissions section where they can be viewed by the public.

CLASP Conference videos now online!

All nine talks, plus the welcome and panel discussion. CLICK HERE.

Poster for public meeting

Please print out the poster and display it. Thanks!




Here’s a .pdf version: clasp_public_mtg16

Trustees’ Annual report now online

CLASP AGM & Public Meeting: Wednesday 5th October

7 pm at

Harpole Bowls Club
Larkhall Lane

There are adequate free car parking spaces at the club.

Admission is free but donations to CLASP are always welcome! Light refreshments and a raffle will be available. There will be a static exhibition and, if you are not a member, a chance to talk informally with us to enable you to find out more about us.

This year the principal speaker will be our Archaeological Director, Stephen Young, who will firstly speak on our recent archaeological work in the Bannaventa area and elsewhere. He will then provide an update on the proposal to create a permanent home for CLASP at Norton. This is an important project if CLASP is to further develop and have archive, research learning facilities.

The second speaker will be the Chair of Northampton Artefact Recovery Club (NARC), Alan Standish, who will talk on how his Club’s work has helped identify possible early communication routes.

We look forward to seeing you on the night.

Poster here.

LiDAR – a new survey tool for archaeologists

An article by Gren Hatton just added to the “Practical Guidance” section of Reports and Submissions.

Planning Appeal Submission – Nether Heyford

Submission to Planning Appeal – APP/Z2830/W/16/3146908

Appellants Name: Messrs Gladmans Developments
Location: Land off Weedon Road Nether Heyford
Description of Works: Residential development of up to 95 dwellings including access and infrastructure works with all other matters reserved (outline).

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]