CLASP Archaeology Day, Daventry

A date for your diaries!
Saturday 23rd July 2016
CLASP Archaeology Day
ICON Centre , Eastern Way, Daventry.

An all day event to hear all about recent archaeological discoveries found by the commercial sector working across north west Northamptonshire.
Full details to follow but this will an important event informing the community about some recent significant discoveries about the early landscape of the area.

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]