Monthly Archives: May 2019

Photos of the Field Centre

Still a work in progress, but already very cosy!

Website upgrade to SSL server

This website has just been upgraded to new a server so we could add an SSL Certificate. That means we are now operating at the industry-standard levels of security. That annoying “Not secure” has vanished from the URL search bar, and people submitting their Membership Application form will no longer be warned that they should not do so because “the site is not secure”.

Onwards and upwards.

CLASP “100 Club” – interested?

We’re still assessing interest in a “100 Club” to help find CLASP. Make a modest payment monthly and stand to win in the monthly draw!

Have a read of the details below and email Rob Close if you are interested (there’s an email link on the details page).

Details here:

“100 Club” proposal

Excavation Open Day at A14 – Mill Common, Saturday 18th May

Excavation Open Day on Saturday 18th May 10am-3pm at Mill Common, Huntingdon
Mill Common, Huntindon (opposite Huntingdon bus station)

* Please note there is no parking available on site.

As part of Highways England’s A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement
scheme, there is an open day for members of the public to see an ongoing
archaeological excavation taking place at Mill Common in Huntingdon.
There will be free guided tours every 30 minutes from 10am-12pm and from
1pm-2:30pm. This is a chance to see finds from the excavation, meet some
of the archaeologists and find out more about the excavations along the
A14. For more information, please see the attached poster.

Archaeology Open Day at Mill Common

“100 Club” proposal

CLASP is thinking of starting a ‘100 Club’ to help raise funds.

Look here for details.

CLASP membership and donations online!

CLASP now has an online membership/donations form.

Details are provided of how to pay by BACs or by cheque. Other online payment options are under consideration.

Try it out by joining CLASP and/or making a donation!


“100 Club” Proposal

The CLASP Trustees are considering starting a CLASP “100 Club” to help fund the new Field Centre. If you think you might be interested in participating, you can find full details of the proposal here:

“100 Club” Proposal

We’d welcome your thoughts.

Field Centre move-in: help needed

We are transferring the furniture into the new Field Centre from Daventry Library on 8th May.

Help is required to load and unload the items and also cleaning the new premises. Could those willing to assist please email Dave Hayward on:-

You will then be allocated to the Library or Farm working parties to ensure that we get a balance of numbers.


Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]