Monthly Archives: January 2019

New Report: Medieval Village, Thrupp, Daventry

NRTN02 Medieval Village, Thrupp, Daventry
A summary of the work over 2014 to 2018, as initially interpreted by Steve Young, CLASP’s Archaeological Director.

Good news about a home for CLASP!

A message from Dave Hayward, Chair of CLASP Trustees.

It may be that our long search for a permanent home and archive is over. Thanks to some excellent support by one of our members we have been introduced to the manager at New Creation Farm at Nether Heyford, he has offered us the chance to rent a building at the farm for use as our home. The building which is of substantial wooden construction has ample space for our archived materials together the ability to accommodate an office/classroom and finds-processing area. It is exactly what we need to satisfy our requirements.

The Trustees have visited the building and agreed in principle to accept the offer on the basis of an initial three year lease, with an opt out clause for us after a year if it is not financially viable. The agreement will entail building repairs remaining the responsibility of the owners whilst CLASP looks after alterations etc. We will have to fit the building out with shelving, furniture etc. This will, of course, entail significant fund raising for CLASP – any suggestions, help or even donations will be welcome!

The CLASP Trustees will take a final, formal decision at the next Committee meeting on the 4th February 2019. More details after that date.

CLASP at the MK History Event, 15/16 June 2019

Last year CLASP had a Stand at the Milton Keynes History Event. If there is sufficient support we are going to repeat this on 15 and 16 June in Campbell Park in Central Milton Keynes.

We will repeat last year’s format with visitors to our stand being invited to design mosaics that will be photographed and posted on our website. Each person who does this will be given a certificate recording their participation.

The centre of the stand will have display material about CLASP and its work.

On the other side CLASP member and author of the Ruso (Medicus) historical novels, Ruth Downie, will be on hand in period costume.

If you’re prepared to participate please email Tony Kesten, member of the Organising Committee and Trustee.

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]