Monthly Archives: March 2016

CLASP TRo9 – Artefact Retention & Disposal – published (Members’ Area)

The latest procedural instruction document from CLASP on artefact retention and disposal: for Members only in the Members’ Area.

CLASP Geophysical Report No. 16/05: A Roman ‘ladder’ enclosure at Home Farm

Geophysical Report No. 16/05: A Roman ‘ladder’ enclosure at Home Farm: Final report

Articles in ‘The Searcher’: Dave Derby, NARC, CLASP and Saxon skeletons

Here are two articles by John Winter from The Searcher magazine. They feature our good friend Dave Derby and illustrate the long-term successful collaboration between NARC and CLASP  including the discovery of Saxon skeletons at the Nether Heyford site.

Reproduced here by kind permission of The Searcher magazine – with thanks to the editor for the .pdf files.

CLASP Iron Age Projects reports now published

Northamptonshire in the Iron Age

At many of the sites where CLASP has worked (including Nether Heyford and Bannaventa), there have been traces of earlier occupation during the Iron Age – however, the main focus of CLASP’s work up to now has tended to be on the Roman-period, since that produced a great deal more enduring archaeology.

These newly uploaded files all cover projects, recently undertaken by teams from CLASP, that are specific to the Iron Age in Northamptonshire.

CLICK HERE to see the reports.


Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]