Monthly Archives: November 2013

This new-look website

By Jeremy Cooper (Webmaster)

This new-look website has much the same content as the old one, but it’s based on a completely different web maintenance system. Up to now the website has been run in the “traditional” manner, with me as webmaster being the only person able to update it using the files based on my computer and specialist web-authoring software. This new site has been developed using WordPress.


WordPress is a free Content Management System which has millions of users: it is “open-source” software which means that users can contribute to its improvement and development – nobody commercially owns WordPress (see Once a site has been set up using WordPress, anyone who is registered as a user on the site can alter the site using just the web browser on their computer. The whole operation is managed entirely on-line!


This new site has two types of content: it has “static” pages like those on the old site: these are listed in the menu bar at the top of the page.

It also has posts: these are like a blog. The posts are what is shown in the “News and Features” section of the site – what you are now reading is a post.


There are several types of “users”. The following are the types relevant to this site:

  • Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.
  • Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
  • Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
  • Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
  • Subscriber – somebody who can only manage their profile.

I am currently the only Administrator. If you are already familiar with WordPress and would like to share this role, let me know.

I envisage that most users will, to begin with, be Contributors – that is writing posts for approval before publication.

Only Members of CLASP will usually be registered as users.


Writing a post is like using a blog, and a bit like using Facebook. Posts can include images (Contributors can upload images and add them to their posts) and documents like .pdf files (Contributors can upload these and link to them in their posts). So a post might consist just of notice that a new document, for example a report on an event, is available, with a link to it.

All posts will have to be approved by an Administrator before publication – the Administrator can sort out any problems a new Contributor might encounter, and reserves the right to sub-edit all posts. If things go well, a Contributor could be promoted to Author then Editor …


If you’d like to write a particular post, or become a regular poster, let me know, telling me what you have in mind, and if I think it is appropriate I’ll register you on the site – you might like to suggest a user name and password, and also how you would like your name to appear on your post.

If you would like to post something, but would rather I did it for you, send me the text and any photos.

I hope you like the new look. Don’t hesitate to get involved if you want to!

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]