A message from Rob Close, Chair of the Organising Committee:
CLASP’s Trustees are seriously considering launching a “100 type” Club to help finance the cost of the new CLASP Field Centre. Dave Hayward, Chair of Trustees, has previously circulated initial details and he has received a positive response from a number of members. However, at the recent Organisation Committee meeting there was a request for more information.
This note briefly describes how it will work and what members need to do to express their interest:
- The Club will run for an initial three years, although Club members will be asked to confirm they wish to continue to participate at the end of the first year.
- The annual cost will be £60. Our preference is that Club members pay in full at the start of the period, by electronic transfer or cheque. However, there will be an option for payment of £5 a month by standing order.
- 50% of all money raised, net of minimal expenses, will be paid out to Club members in the monthly Draw. The other 50% will go towards the cost of the field centre.
- The monthly Draw will take place either at the CLASP Field centre or at a public venue. The winners will be notified directly. Subject to their agreement, their names will be published on the CLASP website.
- The Club will be established if there are a minimum of 40 members. It is hoped that membership will eventually be significantly greater than this, up to a maximum of 100 persons. There is nothing to prevent one member purchasing more than one unit.
- The number and size of monthly prizes will depend on the number of members. By way of illustration, with just 40 members there will be a pay-out of £60 in each of the first two months of each quarter and a first prize of about £115 and a second of £60 in the third month.
- The Club will be run under a licence to be obtained from South Northamptonshire District Council under the Small Society Lottery Regulation.
To get this started, it would be extremely helpful if CLASP Members and anyone else willing to participate could advise me of this by email a.s.a.p., and certainly before end of May.
Email Rob Close
Those of you who have already registered your interest with Dave Hayward do not need too contact me as well.
It would be tremendous if the Club is able to be launched as this will be a key contributor to the viability of the Field centre.