

Made from a piece of samian dish

Found on the villa range

Moulded mortarium

A samian mortarium (form 45) with a near upright wall. The form is East Gaulish and manufactured in the late 2nd to mid 3rd century.

Moulded lion spout

A moulded spout representing an open-mouthed lion. The figure's degenerate bat-like appearance is suggestive of a late production date.

Moulded lion spout - detail
Oxfordshire mortarium

An Oxfordshire mortarium (form M18) with upstanding rim, wide, flat, flanged and closed hook. The form was manufactured between the mid to late 3rd century.

Decorated Nene Valley colour-coated fineware sherds

Slipped and decorated sherds of a Nene Valley colour-coated beaker. The form was manufactured between the late 2nd and early 3rd centuries.

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