Summary by Stephen Young based on conversations with Jennifer Price who is currently examining the glass assemblage.
The sealed bathhouse contexts yielded a collection of twenty to thirty vessels, most likely dating from the late 3rd to mid 4th centuries AD. There is a good range of drinking vessels and a number of blue-green bowls. In addition the assemblage contains some bottles and at least one flagon.
One conical beaker has an engraved figure of a gladiator. The beaker has a cracked off rim and probably originated in the north-western provinces of the Roman Empire. Enough evidence survives to suggest that there were two figures involved in the scene ie a matched pair of gladiators. The assemblage also contains a dark brown/black everted fire-rounded rim cup or jar of the late 2nd to 3rd century AD. This a common form in the north-western provinces and has been found in many cemeteries. The greenish colour hemispherical cups with cracked off rims and pulled out points on the body are also fairly common in the north-western provinces.
The assemblage contains two types of Roman window glass - i.e. poured and blown. The latter is most likely 4th century in date, and of the two types is more common. At least this suggests that windows and light played an important part in the design of the villa building. The sheer amount of discarded glass also indicates the absence of a glass manufacturer in the area as often glass fragments were collected together for recycling. A consumption pattern which can afford to discard such a resource reflects an affluent estate of some means.