Aerial photos at end of 2005 dig

These are just ten of the 73 of the photos taken by Aerial Close-Up Ltd at the end of the 2005 excavation.

All these aerial photos are copyright Aerial Close-Up Ltd.
The full size tiff files - scanned from 35mm negatives - are 18MB each and allow the examination of very small details!

(see also Interim Report on 2005 excavation)

The whole site at the end of the dig, with features highlighted: roll your mouse over the image to see the features.

This very wide-angle, composite image is distorted spherically - closer features (seen vertically) appear much larger than they really are in relation to distant features (see obliquely).

Click on the shots below for a larger photo in a new browser window.
The larger versions may a take up to a couple of minutes to download, depending on your internet connection

Round house 2

Round house 2 in relation to the main villa range

The missing east wing

The east side of the site

The east side of the site

The whole of the lower slope

Bath house 2

Bath house 2

The 'lower bath house' area, east of bath house 1

The Whitehall project is again very grateful to Aerial Close-Up Ltd for its invaluable support
© Copyright of this web site, including all text and images (except where otherwise stated), belongs to The Whitehall Farm Roman Villa and Landscape Project. No part of this website may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the Project.

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