A very generous donation

Weedon Historical Society have kindly made a donation of £500 toward the cost of our new home. A huge thanks to Weedon for this generous donation. Every donation we receive will help make this project a resounding success and something to be proud of.

One thing that we could do with fairly urgently is sponsorship or volunteer help to produce a CLASP sign at the farm entrance together with a building sign. All offers or suggestions gratefully received:


Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]