Monthly Archives: February 2019

South Midlands CBA Spring Conference

Details and application form here:

SMCBA Spring Conference 2019

The Conference is being held in Bugbrooke Community Centre this year.

  • CLASP will be a major player with presentations by Stephen Young and Fred Kay
  • accompanied by other speakers on major Northamptonshire topics.
  • Booking is essential.
  • Offers to help with a CLASP display stand please to:-

CLASP’s new home!!

A message from Dave Hayward, Chair of the CLASP Trustees

I am pleased to announce that at last CLASP has its own home, or at
least will do, as from the 1st April 2019. The building is situated at
New Creation Farm, Furnace Lane, Nether Heyford NN7 3LB consists of a
single building of solid wooden construction, 4.45 x 11.8m (52.51 sq m).
In addition there is an area at the rear where we will be able to stand
our shipping container, currently at Whitehall Farm.

The intention is that we have the Charity registered at the building,
the building itself has sufficient size to hold our archive together
with space for an office/ classroom/ IT area. The container can be used
as a tool store and a future archive expansion area.

We now turn to the question of money! The annual rental is £2000, we
have to raise it from additional income which will look to you all for
support in raising. We will be looking at donations both individual and
from organisations, running external training classes, a 100 Club (more
in separate email), Amazon Smile (again more in a few days), possibly a
Friends of CLASP – will _you_ volunteer to help?

The move and setting up of the home will be labour intensive, again we
will be looking for help!

An exciting time for CLASP – please get behind us.

Upcoming excavations and field work

From the Organising Committee minutes of Feb 4th 2019:

CLASP is intending to have three major excavations in 2019 subject to agreeing the scope and dates with the respective farmers.

  1. Romano-British site at Crick: This to be early July and to be the opportunity to attract new members, with training arranged and the dig continuing over a weekend.
    THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED – see the post July dig cancelled for alternative plans
  2. Roman site at Manshead: Test pitting proposed. Dates to be confirmed.
  3. Anglo Saxon cemetery: Dates to be confirmed.

A number of possible other smaller projects (at Barby, Everdon, Towcester, Woughton on the Green) would be considered once proposals were received. A proposal for a possible geophysics project at Guilsborough would also be fleshed out.

Further details will be published as andwhen possible.

New Geophys Report: Bannaventa

  • CLASP Geophysical Report No. 2/19
    Geophysical survey of hinterland fields adjacent to Watling Street to the North West of the Posting Station of Bannaventa, Norton, Northamptonshire, OS SP460560 264930, Stephen Young and Fred Kay, January 2019.

Watching Brief Report: Everdon Wood

For the Woodland Trust: New Entrance Everdon Wood and Everdon Stubbs
by D.F. Hayward & N. Garnet, October 2018

Additional Volunteers

We need to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers to fulfil a variety of roles and maintain the charity’s development whether you are able to give a few hours a week or more:
Volunteer help needed for:
  • Field work (field walking, excavation, geophysics etc.
  • Post excavation (processing and recording finds and archiving)
  • Computer and digital work
  • Fund raising
  • Publicity
[more information]